Eva, what’s the best part of your job?
Wellspect, we passionately strive to make a real difference every day and make life better for people with bladder and bowel dysfunction. More specifically, it’s those R&D moments when colleagues have a theory that they test. They then see that it works, and they come and tell me about it, those are really special moments!
Why did Wellspect decide to be a gold sponsor for Park Annual 2020?
It’s a great event. This year, when it’s a virtual event, it’s probably the best year to be a sponsor as more people can participate digitally. Our brand for catheters, LoFric, is well known worldwide. However, Wellspect is relatively unknown to the general population. So, we think it’s a great opportunity to reach out and communicate who we are, what we are doing and to find potential new collaboration opportunities, especially in the areas of digitalisation and digital health.
What does Sector Convergence mean to you and Wellspect?
We have great products and are one of the leaders in our industry. To sustain that position, we need to continuously develop our skills and expertise. If we want to find the real disruptive ideas, we need to take inspiration from other technologies, ideas and company cultures.
What cool innovations can you tell us about from Wellspect?
There are three things I’d like to mention. The first is Navina Smart – a unique digital device with software-controlled pumps for emptying your bowel. It features an accompanying app so you can share data with your nurse or doctor. Secondly, we are proud of the new LoFric Elle, which is the world’s first catheter with an L-shaped handle and an innovation that empowers women to handle their everyday life in a whole new way. Thirdly, sustainability is an increasingly important aspect of our business. We modified the LoFric coating process to enable the use of solvents with lower environmental impact and the use of less water and chemicals. The carbon footprint coming from the coating process has been reduced by 50%. Moreover, since 2009, all of the energy at our site in Mölndal is from renewable sources. Solar panels [see image] have been installed and running from May 2020.
What challenges and opportunities do you see when it comes to developing the life science cluster in West Sweden?
Everybody understands now that we are stronger together and that we have to do something together. Sahlgrenska Science Park has taken a good lead on this. Now, we need to agree on a common purpose and goals, and then a common execution plan. Let’s start turning the talk into actions, responsibilities, KPIs and follow-up.
Park Annual Gold Sponsors