He makes you listen to your heart with AI It's been a year since he received the Arvid Carlsson Award for the heart failure monitoring tools with his company, Acorai. Since t...
Filip Peters won the Arvid Carlsson Award 2022 This year’s Arvid Carlsson Award by Sahlgrenska Science Park was awarded to Filip Peters, Acorai, for turning smartphones into heart fail...
Meet award winning medtech entrepreneur Angela Spang at Park Annual Being a global MedTech entrepreneur was never the plan. Today, Angela Spang runs seven different businesses with focus on improvin...
They use microwaves to detect stroke Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and serious disabilities globally. After nearly ten years of research and development, start...
Sector convergence is more or less unstoppable The trend of sector convergence is more or less unstoppable. Businesses must engage with it or they risk being left behind, says Hanna So...
Take inspiration! “If we want to find the real disruptive ideas, we need to take inspiration from other technologies, ideas and company cultures,” says Eva...