He makes you listen to your heart with AI It's been a year since he received the Arvid Carlsson Award for the heart failure monitoring tools with his company, Acorai. Since t...
Call for nominations: The Arvid Carlsson Award 2023 We are delighted to open the Arvid Carlsson Award by Sahlgrenska Science Park 2023 for nominations. This marks the 7th consecutive year a...
Filip Peters won the Arvid Carlsson Award 2022 This year’s Arvid Carlsson Award by Sahlgrenska Science Park was awarded to Filip Peters, Acorai, for turning smartphones into heart fail...
“We have extraordinary competence here” Maria Fuxborg has more than 20 years of experience in different leading positions within marketing, communications and public affa...
GoCo Health Innovation City, a district that saves lives Next to AstraZeneca research site in Mölndal a new city district is being developed to bring together companies, organizations, and indiv...
“The life science sector in the Gothenburg area is on an amazing trajectory” Astra Zeneca’s ambition is to go from treating symptoms to curing, or even reversing, disease. Matti Ahlqvist, Executive Director ...